
Back to School Finds

Before I go on about the topic of this post, I want to apologize for my lack of blogging during my summer vacation. I don't know why I haven't posted honestly, besides lack of inspiration, there's not much to say. I'm back on it, bringing more fashion than ever.

However.. I went thrifting a few weeks ago for new items to add to my back to school wardrobe. There's more but these were a couple of my favorite shirts. When I actually incorporate them into my outfits I'll post them on those days. I didn't realize until I was done taking these pictures that I pretty much bought all button ups and sweaters..which wasn't very smart on my part because for the rest of August and most of September it will mostly be in the low 100 high 90's outside. Sucks right? I can honestly say I love nothing about summer weather. Winter is the time I thrive. I love winter clothes and that's mostly what my closet consists of. Oops. On the plus side I go to an indoor school that's freezing basically the whole 6 hours there so I'll be fine.